1. Academic Information & Policies

HBS students may have the opportunity to experience faculty-supervised, field-based learning during their MBA Program. The following policies apply to all members of the HBS community involved in field-based learning activities, including faculty, students, and staff, and are intended to:

The policies governing Field Based Learning/Independent Projects include Standards for Integrity, Protection of Privacy and Confidentiality in Field-Based Learning, and MBA Student Non-Disclosure (see below). Field-based learning activities covered by these policies include field projects conducted as part of a course in the Elective Curriculum (EC) and also Independent Projects in the EC. Students must also adhere to all HBS Academic Policies in conducting fieldwork for academic credit.


Independent Projects (IPs) may earn 1.5, 3, 4.5, or 6 credits, depending on the size and scope of the project. If this is a team project, each team member must earn the same credit total for the IP. Each credit represents 30 hours of work for each team member. The team and faculty supervisor can decide on a work plan and appropriate credit based on this time expectation. Projects for 4.5 or 6 credits require approval from the EC Faculty Chair in addition to the faculty supervisor. Credit requirements for graduation are detailed in Section 1.6 Degree Requirements, including the maximum limit of 9 non-classroom credits in the year and no more than 6 IP credits in either term.


Independent Projects will receive a grade of Pass, Low Pass, or Fail. “Pass” represents satisfactory performance and will not figure into honors calculations. For the purpose of evaluating academic performance, a “Low Pass” on an Independent Project will be treated as a Category III grade and a “Fail” grade will be treated as a Category IV grade.

Online Independent Projects

Students may enroll in a preapproved online learning course or set of courses as an Independent Project (IP) in Online Learning. As part of the 9 total credits of IPs, 6 of those credits may be through Online Learning IPs. Online Learning IPs earn non-classroom credit.

Students pay up front for the cost of enrollment and will be reimbursed by HBS once the student provides a verified certificate confirming the successful completion of the course. The Late Drop Policy and deadlines apply to Online Independent Project enrollment. Students will not be reimbursed for the cost of enrollment in the case of a late drop or unsuccessful completion.

Standards for Integrity

Compensation, Gifts, and Expense Reimbursements

Conducting Company-Sponsored Field Research

Students must avoid deceptive practices and obtain informed consent from all individuals interviewed as part of a project. When conducting interviews or performing any other work for company sponsors, students must not withhold information about company sponsorships or the identity of company sponsors unless they:

Informed Consent for Individual Interviews

Informed consent must be obtained in advance from all individuals interviewed as part of a project. Informed consent includes the following:

Protection of Privacy and Confidentiality in Field-Based Learning

Protection of Privacy and Confidentiality of Company Information

Protection of Intellectual Property Rights of Others

Insider Trading

Information related to other common confidentiality and privacy issues can be found at:

MBA Student Non-Disclosure Policy