Dealing with Emergencies (Non-medical)

It is mandatory to complete a report after an accident/incident. The report will not only provide accurate documentation of the event but it will also serve as a learning tool for others.

Accident/Incident Report File last updated Apr 01, 2024.

Each individual working in or visiting a laboratory or building at Georgia Tech is responsible for adherence to safe procedures and Georgia Tech safety policies.

Pertaining to the following buildings:

Ford ES&T, 311 Ferst Drive (Building 147)
Bunger-Henry, 778 Atlantic Drive (Building 86)
Molecular Science & Engineering ("M"), 901 Atlantic Drive (Building 167)

1. Types of Emergencies
2. Anticipating/Preparing for Emergencies
3. If Building Evacuation is Required
  1. PI/Thesis Director and the PI of the specific laboratory if it is shared space
  2. Facilities Manager — ES&T: Todd Clarkson, (404) 385-6896, cell (404) 512-2831; Bunger-Henry: Rod Sefton, (404) 385-2952, cell (770) 900-5249; M building: Vic Summey, (404) 894-5155
  3. School Chair David Sholl, (404) 894-2867, or Safety Chair Rachel Chen,, (404) 894-6884
  4. Fill out incident report. Contact Curtis Burnett,, (404) 385-4108, cell (404) 819-6749
4. Other Emergencies
  1. PI/Thesis Director and the PI of the specific laboratory if it is shared space
  2. Facilities Manager — ES&T: Todd Clarkson, (404) 385-6896, cell (404) 512-2831; Bunger-Henry: Rod Sefton, (404) 385-2952, cell (770) 900-5249; M building: Vic Summey, (404) 894-5155
  3. School Chair David Sholl, (404) 894-2867, or Safety Chair Rachel Chen,, (404) 894-6884
  4. After any emergency (e.g., items 1, 3 and 4), fill out incident report.(See Todd Clarkson.)
  5. Visitors (Georgia Tech or non-Georgia Tech) to labs are subject to the same safety procedures and policies as are the workers in that lab; in the event of an emergency in a laboratory that you are visiting, you should assist in carrying out emergency procedures as appropriate.