How to Write an Audit Memorandum

Conducting an in-house audit or an independent audit for another company requires you to delve into the finances and physical assets of the business to in order to balance the tangible with the existing records. The final step in the audit process is the audit memorandum which summarizes each phase of the audit and gives your reader recommendations for changes that will improve the accuracy of the records and profitability of the company. Writing an audit memorandum requires in-depth knowledge of the business and the attention to detail required to compare records with reality.

  1. Outline the financial results of the audit in your introduction. Explain to the reader whether the audit showed a higher or lower financial standing than the existing records.
  2. Write a summary of the physical audit of the inventory of the company. List the details of the inventory audit. Explain to the reader whether items were physically missing or whether there were more items than expected.
  3. Draft an outline of the existing book inventory recorded by the company and how it compares to your physical count. Refer back to your comparison between the books and the physical count. Explain where the bookkeeping needs improvement.
  4. Explain the financial difference between the physical and book inventories. A shortage on the physical count would mean that the company has less assets than previously thought. Excess goods mean a surplus that needs to be tracked in order to learn its origins to make sure it has been paid in full.
  5. Outline your audit of the ongoing contracts in which the company is currently engaged. Explain the financial ramifications of the outcome of each contract.
  6. Detail the labor audit with an explanation of work hours and productivity. Review the output of the company in relation to the workforce on a daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly and yearly basis for a complete look at productivity.
  7. Summarize the audit with a statement outlining the company's finances along with your recommendations for improvement. Explain to the reader where he can make improvements, which systems function perfectly and where massive overhauls must take place.