2 Overview of Oracle Business Intelligence Applications

This chapter provides an overview of Oracle Business Intelligence Applications, and includes the following topics:

2.1 What is Oracle Business Intelligence Applications?

Oracle Business Intelligence Applications is a prebuilt business intelligence solution.

Oracle Business Intelligence Applications supports Oracle sources such as Oracle E-Business Suite Applications, Oracle's Siebel Applications, Oracle's PeopleSoft Applications, and non-Oracle sources such as SAP Applications. If you already own one of the above applications, you can purchase Oracle Business Intelligence Infrastructure and Oracle Business Intelligence Applications to work with the application.

Oracle Business Intelligence Applications also provides complete support for enterprise data, including financial, supply chain, and workforce sources. These enterprise applications typically source from both Oracle data sources (such as E-Business Suite and PeopleSoft) and non-Oracle data sources (such as SAP).

Oracle Business Intelligence Applications consist of the components shown in the table below.

Table 2-1 Oracle Business Intelligence Applications Components

DAC metadata repository files

This content includes repository objects such as tables, subject areas, execution plans, and tasks, and is contained in XML files.

Embedded Informatica ETL Tool

This is a third-party application that performs the extract, transform, and load operations for the Data Warehouse.

Prebuilt Informatica content

This content includes Extract-Transform-Load (ETL) repository objects, such as mappings, sessions, and workflows, and is contained in the Informatica repository file (Oracle_BI_DW_Base.rep).

Prebuilt metadata content

This metadata content is contained in the Oracle Business Intelligence Applications repository file (EnterpriseBusinessAnalytics.rpd).

Prebuilt reports and dashboard content

This content is contained in the Oracle BI Presentation Services Catalog.

Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse

The prebuilt data warehouse that holds data extracted, transformed, and loaded from the transactional database (for more information, see Section 2.2, "Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse Overview").

2.2 Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse Overview

The Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse is a unified data repository for all customer-centric data. The purpose of the Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse is to support the analytical requirements of Oracle E-Business Suite, Oracle's Siebel CRM, and PeopleSoft Applications.

The Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse includes the following (see figure below):

Figure 2-1 An Overview Of the Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse

Once you have installed Oracle Business Intelligence Applications, use the Repository Documentation option in Oracle BI Administration Tool to list the repository objects in a text file (for more information, see Section 2.5, "Using Repository Documentation".

2.3 Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse Architecture

High-level analytical queries, like those commonly used in Oracle Business Intelligence, scan and analyze large volumes of data using complex formulas. This process can take a long time when querying a transactional database, which impacts overall system performance.

For this reason, the Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse was constructed using dimensional modeling techniques to allow for fast access to information required for decision making. The Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse derives its data from operational applications, and uses Informatica's data integration technology to extract, transform, and load data from various supported transactional database systems (OLTP) into the Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse.

2.3.1 Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse Architecture Components

The figure below illustrates the Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse architecture.

Figure 2-2 An example Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse architecture

The figure above shows the following Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse components: