University of michigan graduate application transcripts

January - February: PhD admission/financial aid offers are sent via e-mail to applicants.
Early March: MS admission offers are sent via e-mail to applicants.
Late March: Notification to applicants who do not receive admission are sent.
All applicants are notified via e-mail as soon an admission decision is reached.

Application Materials:

Ready to Apply?

Submitting Transcripts:

Official Transcripts - Submit one official academic record/transcript from each institution where you have earned or will earn a Bachelor’s, Master’s, Professional, and Doctoral degree. Include your date of birth or U-M ID# with each academic record/transcript to aid in matching your document to your application. Submit transcripts to the Rackham Graduate School address below.

Each transcript/academic record submitted to the Rackham Graduate School must include your full name, University of Michigan ID number (UMID) and/or date of birth to match your document to your application.

Submitting your transcripts is a two-step process:

  1. Applicants will scan and upload an official transcript/academic record that displays the institutional seal and signature of the Registrar or Recorder of Records into the online application.
  2. Applicants are also required to submit an official transcript/academic record by mail or as an e-transcript to Rackham before the graduate program application deadline. The official transcript/academic record must be received in an envelope sealed by the issuing institution.

E-Transcript Option:

This method saves you time, effort and the expense of mailing the transcript/academic record that is required during the initial processing and review of your application. To ensure that Rackham can match your transcripts/academic records with your application, please upload a completed Transcripts/Academic Records Submission Form when you request your electronic transcripts/academic records. Please note that not all Registrar or Recorder of Records office e-transcript systems allow for an upload.

An official transcript may be sent electronically by the Registrar or Recorder of Records using the institution’s secure electronic submission system to Rackham at The requirements are: