A Professional Food Manager Certification Exam Practice Test!

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A Professional Food Manager Certification Exam Practice Test! - Quiz

The food industry is much more than just one person cooking food and another person eating it. There are many protocols and safety precautions that need to be undertaken in any professional culinary environment to ensure the food being served is safe to eat. Do you know what these measures are? Take the following quiz to see if you could be a food manager!

Questions and Answers

In order for a foodborne illness to be investigated as an outbreak, how many people need to report getting sick after eating the same food?

Correct Answer
B. 2

For a foodborne illness to be investigated as an outbreak, at least two people need to report getting sick after eating the same food. This is because an outbreak refers to a sudden increase in the number of cases of a particular illness, and having multiple reports allows health authorities to identify a common source of contamination and take appropriate action to prevent further spread of the illness.

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Poor food safety can result in the following EXCEPT:

Lower operating costs Foodborne illnesses Poor working conditions Correct Answer
A. Lower operating costs

Poor food safety practices can lead to foodborne illnesses, lawsuits, and poor working conditions. However, they do not result in lower operating costs; in fact, poor food safety often leads to higher costs due to legal fees, medical claims, loss of business, and fines. Lower operating costs are not a consequence of poor food safety.

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Which is NOT a hazard to food safety?

Environmental Biological Correct Answer
B. Environmental

Environmental hazards can include factors such as temperature, humidity, and lighting, which may affect the quality and shelf life of food but do not directly pose a risk to food safety. Chemical hazards refer to the presence of harmful substances in food, physical hazards involve foreign objects or contaminants, and biological hazards include bacteria, viruses, and parasites that can cause foodborne illnesses. Therefore, environmental hazards are not considered a direct threat to food safety.

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What causes most foodborne illness?

Correct Answer
B. Bacteria

Bacteria are the main cause of most foodborne illnesses. When food is contaminated with harmful bacteria such as Salmonella or E. coli, consuming that food can lead to illness. Bacteria can multiply rapidly in food that is not stored or cooked properly. Symptoms of foodborne illnesses caused by bacteria include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. It is important to practice proper food handling and hygiene to prevent bacterial contamination and reduce the risk of foodborne illnesses.

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To reduce the risk of a chemical hazard, store your chemicals away from food and food-contact surfaces.

Correct Answer
A. True

Storing chemicals away from food and food-contact surfaces helps to reduce the risk of a chemical hazard. This is because chemicals can contaminate food and surfaces, leading to potential health risks if ingested or touched. By keeping chemicals separate from areas where food is prepared or stored, the likelihood of accidental contamination is minimized, ensuring the safety of individuals who handle or consume the food.

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Which is NOT a physical hazard?

Preservatives Metal Shavings Correct Answer
A. Preservatives

Preservatives are not considered a physical hazard because they are chemical substances used to prevent the growth of microorganisms in products. Physical hazards typically refer to objects or substances that can cause physical harm or injury, such as hair, bones, and metal shavings. Preservatives, on the other hand, are added to products to extend their shelf life and maintain their quality, but they do not pose a direct physical danger.

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Who is NOT at a high-risk population?

Pregnant Women College Student Correct Answer
D. College Student

College students are not considered to be at a high-risk population because they are generally young and healthy. While elderly individuals, pregnant women, and even some young people may have certain health conditions or vulnerabilities that put them at higher risk for certain diseases or complications, college students are typically in good health and have a lower risk compared to these other groups.

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Potentially hazardous foods include the following EXCEPT:

Uncooked Beans Correct Answer
D. Uncooked Beans

The question asks for an exception among the given options. Uncooked beans are not considered potentially hazardous foods because they do not pose a significant risk of causing foodborne illnesses. Poultry, cut melon, and eggs are all examples of potentially hazardous foods as they can harbor harmful bacteria if not handled and cooked properly.

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All food-contact surfaces should be cleaned and sanitized.

Correct Answer
A. True

This statement is true because it is important to clean and sanitize all surfaces that come into contact with food. Cleaning removes dirt and debris, while sanitizing kills any harmful bacteria or pathogens that may be present. This helps to prevent the spread of foodborne illnesses and ensures that the food being prepared is safe for consumption.

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What is the proper storage order for a rack in the walk-in refrigerator?

Ready-to-eat, cooked, raw Raw, cooked, ready-to-eat Cooked, raw, ready-to-eat Raw, ready-to-eat, cooked Correct Answer
A. Ready-to-eat, cooked, raw

The proper storage order for a rack in the walk-in refrigerator is to store ready-to-eat items first, followed by cooked items, and then raw items. This order helps to prevent cross-contamination and ensure food safety. By storing ready-to-eat items above cooked and raw items, any potential drips or spills from the raw or cooked items will not contaminate the ready-to-eat items. Additionally, storing raw items at the bottom helps to prevent any potential contamination from dripping onto other items.

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What is a primary responsibility of a professional food manager in a food service establishment?

Designing the restaurant’s interior decor. Managing customer reservations exclusively. Ensuring compliance with food safety and hygiene regulations. Planning employee vacation schedules. Correct Answer
C. Ensuring compliance with food safety and hygiene regulations.

A professional food manager’s key responsibilities include overseeing the daily operations related to food preparation, ensuring that all practices meet the necessary food safety and hygiene standards. This role involves supervising staff, managing food supplies, maintaining clean and safe environments, and ensuring that all procedures comply with local health and safety regulations to prevent foodborne illnesses. While other administrative tasks like scheduling may be part of their duties, ensuring compliance with food safety and hygiene standards is central to their role in protecting public health.

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What is the water activity value required for microorganisms to grow?

.85 or Higher .85 or Lower .5 or Higher .5 or Lower Correct Answer
A. .85 or Higher

Water activity (aw) refers to the amount of available water in a substance, and it is measured on a scale from 0 to 1. Microorganisms require a certain level of water activity to grow and reproduce. A water activity value of .85 or higher provides enough moisture for microorganisms to thrive. If the water activity is lower than .85, it means there is not enough available water for microorganisms to grow, limiting their ability to survive and reproduce. Therefore, a water activity value of .85 or higher is required for microorganisms to grow.

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Due to the rapid growth of microorganisms, keep food out of this temperature range:

Correct Answer
C. 41˚F - 135˚F

The temperature range of 41˚F - 135˚F is the danger zone for food. In this temperature range, bacteria can multiply rapidly, increasing the risk of foodborne illnesses. Temperatures below 41˚F slow down the growth of bacteria, while temperatures above 135˚F kill or inhibit the growth of most bacteria. Therefore, it is important to keep food out of the 41˚F - 135˚F temperature range to ensure food safety.

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Salmonella is commonly found in what food?

Chicken and Eggs Lettuce and Melons Correct Answer
B. Chicken and Eggs

Salmonella is commonly found in chicken and eggs. This is because Salmonella bacteria can contaminate the intestines of poultry, such as chickens, and can then be passed on to the eggs laid by infected hens. Consuming raw or undercooked chicken or eggs can lead to Salmonella infection, causing symptoms like diarrhea, fever, and abdominal cramps. It is important to handle and cook poultry and eggs properly to reduce the risk of Salmonella contamination and foodborne illness.

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What makes Listeria unique from other bacteria?

Grows fast Can be seen on the food Thrives in dry storage areas Grows in cool, moist areas Correct Answer
D. Grows in cool, moist areas

Listeria is unique from other bacteria because it grows specifically in cool, moist areas. Unlike other bacteria, Listeria thrives in environments with lower temperatures and high moisture levels. This characteristic sets it apart and makes it able to survive and multiply in refrigerated environments, such as refrigerators or food processing plants. This ability to grow in cool, moist conditions makes Listeria a significant concern for food safety, as it can survive and contaminate refrigerated foods.

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Swollen, reduced oxygen packaged (ROP) fish fillet is a sign of:

Staphylococcus Chemical Contamination Correct Answer
A. Botulism

Swollen, reduced oxygen packaged (ROP) fish fillet is a sign of botulism. Botulism is a serious illness caused by the bacteria Clostridium botulinum, which produces toxins that can cause muscle paralysis. When fish fillets are packaged in reduced oxygen environments, such as ROP packaging, the lack of oxygen allows the growth of anaerobic bacteria like Clostridium botulinum. This can lead to the production of botulinum toxins, causing the fish fillet to become swollen. Therefore, the presence of botulism is indicated by the swollen, reduced oxygen packaged (ROP) fish fillet.

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What is the best way to prevent the transfer of a virus to food?

Correct Temperature Storage Proper Hand Washing Hot Holding Food to 135 Degrees Storing Foods in Tightly Sealed Containers Correct Answer
B. Proper Hand Washing

Proper hand washing is the best way to prevent the transfer of a virus to food. This is because hands can easily come into contact with viruses, and if not washed properly, can transfer these viruses onto food. By washing hands thoroughly with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, the majority of viruses can be removed, reducing the risk of contamination.

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Wash your hands after all of the following EXCEPT:

Using The Restroom Taking Out The Garbage Touching Raw Meat Unloading The Dishwashing Machine Correct Answer
D. Unloading The Dishwashing Machine

Washing your hands after using the restroom, touching raw meat, and taking out the garbage are all important hygiene practices to prevent the spread of germs and bacteria. However, unloading the dishwashing machine does not typically involve direct contact with potentially harmful substances, so it is not necessary to wash your hands immediately after this task.

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Which food typically does NOT cause a food allergy:

Correct Answer
A. Beef

Beef typically does not cause a food allergy because it is less allergenic compared to other common food allergens such as eggs, fish, and peanuts. While any food can potentially cause an allergic reaction in certain individuals, beef is not commonly associated with food allergies. Allergies to beef are rare and usually occur in individuals who are also allergic to other meats or have a specific sensitivity to beef proteins. It is important to note that individual sensitivities and allergies can vary, so it is always recommended to consult with a healthcare professional if you suspect a food allergy.

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When washing your hands, the water should be at least:

Correct Answer
C. 100˚F

The correct answer is 100˚F because this is the recommended temperature for handwashing according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Water at this temperature helps to effectively remove dirt, bacteria, and viruses from the hands. Water that is too cold may not effectively remove germs, while water that is too hot can cause skin irritation and may not be comfortable for prolonged handwashing. Therefore, maintaining a water temperature of 100˚F is the ideal temperature for handwashing.

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Single-use paper towels are recommended after proper handwashing.

Correct Answer
A. True

Single-use paper towels are recommended after proper handwashing because they are more hygienic compared to reusable towels. Reusable towels can harbor bacteria and germs, even after washing, whereas single-use paper towels are disposed of after each use, reducing the risk of cross-contamination. Additionally, paper towels are more effective at drying hands thoroughly, which is important for preventing the spread of germs.

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In a food establishment, hand sanitizers can be used after:

Taking Out The Garbage Using The Restroom Cleaning With Chemicals Proper Handwashing Correct Answer
D. Proper Handwashing

Hand sanitizers should be used after proper handwashing because hand sanitizers are not as effective as soap and water in removing dirt, grease, and harmful microorganisms from hands. Proper handwashing involves using soap and water, rubbing hands together for at least 20 seconds, including all surfaces of the hands and fingers, and rinsing thoroughly. This helps to physically remove dirt and germs from the hands, reducing the risk of contamination. Hand sanitizers can be used as an additional measure after handwashing, but they should not replace proper handwashing.

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What is the primary reason to wear gloves?

Protect Jewelry Keep Nails Clean Prevent Cross Contamination Eliminate The Need For Handwashing Correct Answer
C. Prevent Cross Contamination

The primary reason to wear gloves is to prevent cross contamination. Gloves act as a barrier between the hands and any potential contaminants, such as bacteria or viruses, that may be present on surfaces or objects. By wearing gloves, individuals can avoid spreading harmful substances or germs from one surface to another, reducing the risk of infection or illness.

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A food handler who has a fever and sore throat can perform what job duty?

Food Preparation Dish Washing Serve Food Clean Restrooms Correct Answer
D. Clean Restrooms

A food handler who has a fever and sore throat should not be involved in food preparation or serving food as they may contaminate the food and spread their illness to others. However, they can still perform the job duty of cleaning restrooms as it does not directly involve handling or serving food to customers.

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When using the ice method, what is the proper way to calibrate a thermometer?

Place thermometer in the freezer Use ice water and set the indicator to 32˚F Put the thermometer and the refrigerator and set to 41˚F Insert the thermometer in ice and set the indicator to 41˚F Correct Answer
B. Use ice water and set the indicator to 32˚F

The proper way to calibrate a thermometer using the ice method is to use ice water and set the indicator to 32˚F. This is because the freezing point of water is 32˚F, so by placing the thermometer in ice water and adjusting the indicator to 32˚F, you ensure that the thermometer is accurately measuring the temperature.

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When is it recommended that deliveries should be received?

On Weekends All Deliveries Should be Scheduled for the Same Time Off-Peak Hours Received Only One at a Time It Doesn;t Matter When Deliveries are Received Correct Answer
C. Off-Peak Hours Received Only One at a Time

It is recommended that deliveries should be received during off-peak hours and only one at a time. This helps in managing the flow of goods and ensures that the receiving area does not get overwhelmed with multiple deliveries at once. By receiving deliveries during off-peak hours, it also minimizes disruptions to regular operations and allows for efficient handling and inspection of the received goods.

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How long is the shell stock identification tag kept on file from the harvest date?

Correct Answer
C. 90 Days

The shell stock identification tag is kept on file for 90 days from the harvest date. This is likely done to ensure traceability and accountability in the seafood industry. By keeping the tag on file for this duration, authorities can track and verify the origin and handling of the shell stock if needed. This helps in maintaining quality control, preventing fraud, and ensuring consumer safety.

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When taking the temperature of a chicken, insert the thermometer into the thickest part (breast) because it takes the longest time to reach the ideal temperature.

Correct Answer
A. True

When taking the temperature of a chicken, inserting the thermometer into the thickest part, which is the breast, is recommended because it takes the longest time to cook and reach the ideal temperature. The breast is typically the last part of the chicken to fully cook, so by checking the temperature in this area, we can ensure that the entire chicken is cooked thoroughly and safe to eat.

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Pasteurized food has been:

Cooled to 41˚F Sealed under sterile conditions Reduced oxygen packaged Heat Treated Correct Answer
D. Heat Treated

The correct answer is "Heat Treated" because pasteurization is a process that involves heating food to a specific temperature for a certain period of time to kill harmful bacteria and extend the shelf life of the product. This process helps to make the food safe for consumption by reducing the number of pathogens present. By heat treating the food, it destroys any harmful microorganisms without significantly affecting the taste, texture, or nutritional value of the product.

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Primarily, where should reduced-oxygen-packaged food be stored?

Dry Storage Room Refrigerator Locker Room Correct Answer
B. Refrigerator

Reduced-oxygen-packaged food should be stored in the refrigerator. This is because reduced-oxygen-packaged food is susceptible to bacterial growth, and storing it in a refrigerator helps to slow down the growth of bacteria and maintain its freshness and safety. Refrigeration helps to keep the temperature low, preventing the growth of harmful bacteria and extending the shelf life of the food. Storing reduced-oxygen-packaged food in a dry storage room, locker room, or rest room would not provide the necessary temperature control to keep the food safe for consumption.

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What should be done if a shipment of food is received in the danger zone?

Immediately put it in the freezer until it reaches 41˚F Store it in the refrigerator for 24 hours before using Use It Immediately Correct Answer
C. Reject It

If a shipment of food is received in the danger zone, it should be rejected. The danger zone refers to the temperature range between 40˚F and 140˚F, within which bacteria can multiply rapidly and cause foodborne illnesses. Therefore, it is crucial to reject the shipment to ensure the safety and quality of the food.

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How far off the floor should food be stored?

6 Inches or Lower 6 Inches or Higher 3 Inches or Lower 3 Inches or Higher Correct Answer
B. 6 Inches or Higher

Food should be stored at least 6 inches off the floor to prevent contamination and pests. Storing food at this height helps to minimize the risk of cross-contamination from dirt, dust, and pests that may be present on the floor. It also allows for easier cleaning and maintenance of the storage area. By keeping food off the floor, it reduces the chances of foodborne illnesses and helps to maintain food safety standards.

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What is the maximum time potentially hazardous, ready-to-eat food can be stored in the refrigerator at 41˚F or lower?

Correct Answer
C. 7 Days

Potentially hazardous, ready-to-eat food can be stored in the refrigerator at 41˚F or lower for a maximum of 7 days. This is because refrigeration slows down the growth of bacteria, which can cause foodborne illnesses. After 7 days, the risk of bacterial growth and food spoilage increases significantly, making the food unsafe to consume. It is important to follow proper food storage guidelines to ensure food safety and prevent foodborne illnesses.

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The lid of a container should be labeled with the name of the food and the expiration date.

Correct Answer
B. False

The statement is false because the lid of a container should not be labeled with the name of the food and the expiration date. The label should be placed on the outside of the container, not on the lid. This is to ensure that the label is visible and easily readable, even when the lid is opened or removed. Placing the label on the lid may cause confusion or make it difficult to locate the necessary information.

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When using the first in first out (FIFO) stock rotation method, which product is used first?

Correct Answer
D. Oldest

In the first in first out (FIFO) stock rotation method, the oldest product is used first. This means that the products that have been in the inventory for the longest time are prioritized for use or sale before the newer ones. This helps ensure that older products do not remain unused or expire, reducing waste and potential losses. By using the oldest products first, businesses can maintain the freshness and quality of their inventory while also managing their stock effectively.

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Which is not a safe method of thawing frozen food?

In a refrigerator at 41˚F Room Temperature In a microwave if cooked immediately after Under running water at a temperature of 70˚F or lower Correct Answer
B. Room Temperature

Thawing frozen food at room temperature is not a safe method because it allows the food to remain in the temperature danger zone (40-140˚F) for an extended period of time. This temperature range promotes the growth of bacteria, which can lead to foodborne illnesses. Thawing in the refrigerator at 41˚F, in a microwave if cooked immediately after, or under running water at a temperature of 70˚F or lower are all safer methods as they minimize the time the food spends in the temperature danger zone.

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How quickly must food temperature pass through the danger zone when cooling?

2 Hours or Less 4 Hours or Less 6 Hours or Less 8 Hours or Less Correct Answer
A. 2 Hours or Less

The "danger zone" for food safety is the temperature range between 40°F and 140°F (4°C and 60°C), where bacteria can rapidly grow. To prevent foodborne illness, it's crucial to cool food quickly through this range. The FDA Food Code recommends that cooked foods be cooled from 135°F to 70°F (57°C to 21°C) within 2 hours and from 70°F to 41°F (21°C to 5°C) within an additional 4 hours. Thus, cooling food through the danger zone in 2 hours or less is crucial to ensure food safety.

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Potentially hazardous food that has already been cooked and cooled must be reheated to what minimum internal temperature?

Correct Answer
D. 165˚F

Potentially hazardous food that has already been cooked and cooled must be reheated to a minimum internal temperature of 165˚F. This temperature is necessary to kill any bacteria or pathogens that may have grown during the cooling process, ensuring the safety of the food. Reheating to a lower temperature may not be sufficient to eliminate all potential risks and could lead to foodborne illnesses.

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On a buffet, where should the serving utensils be stored?

In the food with the handle extending above the rim of the container In a Sanitizing Solution On a Clean, Sanitized Cloth On a Plate Correct Answer
A. In the food with the handle extending above the rim of the container

The serving utensils should be stored in the food with the handle extending above the rim of the container to ensure proper hygiene and prevent contamination. This way, the handle remains clean and does not come into contact with any surfaces that may be contaminated. Additionally, having the handle above the rim makes it easier for guests to access the utensils without touching the food directly.

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Hot, delivered food must arrive at the location at what minimum temperature?

Correct Answer
B. 135˚F

The minimum temperature at which hot, delivered food must arrive at the location is 135˚F. This temperature ensures that the food is still hot and safe to consume upon delivery, reducing the risk of bacterial growth and maintaining its quality. Temperatures below 135˚F may allow bacteria to multiply and cause foodborne illnesses, while temperatures above 135˚F may result in overcooked or dried out food. Therefore, 135˚F is the optimal minimum temperature for hot, delivered food.

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Sneeze guards or food shields are used to prevent the contamination of the food from people coughing or sneezing.

Correct Answer
A. True

Sneeze guards or food shields are indeed used to prevent the contamination of food from people coughing or sneezing. These protective barriers are commonly seen in buffet restaurants or food service areas, acting as a physical barrier between the food and customers. They help to minimize the risk of airborne particles, such as droplets from coughs or sneezes, coming into contact with the food and potentially causing contamination. Therefore, the statement "True" accurately reflects the purpose and function of sneeze guards or food shields.

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In order for a food establish to remain open, potable water must be available.

Correct Answer
A. True

For a food establishment to remain open, it is necessary for potable water to be available. Potable water refers to water that is safe for consumption and meets the required standards of cleanliness. This is crucial in ensuring that the food prepared and served in the establishment is safe and free from any potential contaminants. Without access to potable water, the establishment would not be able to meet the necessary health and safety regulations, which could result in closure or penalties. Therefore, the statement is true.

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Which of the following is a source of cross-connection?

Using the same knife to prepare raw chicken and steak Not sanitizing the cutting board after using Storing raw meat above lettuce Faucet located below the rim of a sink Correct Answer
D. Faucet located below the rim of a sink

A faucet located below the rim of a sink can be a source of cross-connection because it allows contaminated water to flow back into the plumbing system. This can happen when there is a drop in water pressure, causing the contaminated water to be sucked back into the pipes and mix with the clean water supply. This can lead to the contamination of the entire water system and pose a risk to the health of individuals consuming the water. It is important to ensure that faucets are properly installed and positioned to prevent cross-connections.

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What are the proper steps for cleaning in a three-compartment sink?

Clean work surfaces, scrape, wash, rinse, sanitize, and air-dry Scrape, wash, rinse, sanitize, air-dry, and clean work surfaces Clean work surfaces, scrape, wash, sanitize, rinse, and air-dry Scrape, rinse, wash, sanitize, air-dry, and clean work surfaces Correct Answer
A. Clean work surfaces, scrape, wash, rinse, sanitize, and air-dry

The proper steps for cleaning in a three-compartment sink are to first clean work surfaces, then scrape any leftover food or debris, followed by washing the dishes, rinsing them to remove any soap residue, sanitizing them to kill any remaining bacteria or germs, and finally allowing them to air-dry. This sequence ensures that the dishes are thoroughly cleaned and sanitized before they are used again.

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Which does NOT decrease the effectiveness of the sanitizing solution?

Concentration Temperature Brand of Sanitizer Contact Time Correct Answer
C. Brand of Sanitizer

The effectiveness of the sanitizing solution is not affected by the brand of sanitizer used. The concentration of the solution, temperature, and contact time all play a role in determining the effectiveness of the sanitizer. However, the brand of sanitizer does not have an impact on its ability to sanitize. Different brands may have different ingredients or formulations, but as long as they meet the necessary concentration and contact time requirements, they will be equally effective.

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On what type of surface should garbage dumpsters be located?

Cement Pad Correct Answer
D. Cement Pad

Garbage dumpsters should be located on a cement pad because it provides a stable and durable surface for the heavy weight of the dumpsters. Cement pads can withstand the pressure and movement of the dumpsters, preventing them from sinking or causing damage to the surrounding area. Additionally, cement pads are easier to clean and maintain, reducing the risk of pests or odors associated with garbage disposal.

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All the following are signs of rodent infestation EXCEPT:

Grease Marks Scraps of Paper Correct Answer
A. Egg Cases

Rodent infestation is usually characterized by various signs, such as grease marks, gnawing, and scraps of paper. However, the presence of egg cases is not typically associated with rodent infestation. Egg cases are more commonly linked to insect infestations, particularly those of cockroaches or certain types of beetles. Therefore, while the other options are signs of rodent infestation, the presence of egg cases would suggest a different type of pest problem.

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Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) ensures the safety of food.

Correct Answer
A. True

Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) is a systematic approach used in the food industry to identify and prevent potential hazards that could compromise the safety of food. It involves identifying critical control points in the food production process and implementing measures to control and monitor these points effectively. By adhering to HACCP principles, food businesses can ensure that their products are safe for consumption, minimizing the risk of foodborne illnesses and ensuring the overall safety of the food. Therefore, the statement "Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) ensures the safety of food" is true.

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Whose responsibility is it to make sure all employees are properly training in food safety?

Manager / Person in Charge Federal Government Correct Answer
B. Manager / Person in Charge

The responsibility of ensuring that all employees are properly trained in food safety lies with the Manager/Person in Charge. This individual is in a position of authority and is directly responsible for overseeing the operations and staff in a food establishment. It is their duty to ensure that all employees receive the necessary training and education to maintain a safe and hygienic environment for handling and preparing food.

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Food preparation surfaces must be all of the following EXCEPT:

Corrosion Resistant Stainless Steel Smooth and Easy To Clean Correct Answer
C. Stainless Steel

Food preparation surfaces must be durable, corrosion-resistant, smooth, and easy to clean to meet health and safety standards. However, these surfaces do not necessarily have to be made of stainless steel. Although stainless steel is a common material choice because it meets the other three criteria well, other materials like certain plastics and treated woods can also be used. Therefore, the requirement that they must be made of stainless steel is not correct. Stainless steel is just one of several materials that can be used for food preparation surfaces.

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